
Research interests


I have the chance to work on some of the most exciting challenges of modern cosmology. In particular, my work focuses on the observation of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the oldest observable light in our Universe. By analysing carefully this light (and its polarization pattern), we aim to answer fundamental questions about the very first fractions of second of our cosmic history. New building blocks of fundamental physics might reveal themselves in these extreme conditions, awaiting to be discovered. To address these questions however, we must face enormous conceptual and technical challenges coming from data analysis, foreground removal and systematic effects. As our surveys become increasingly sensitive, we are urged to find creative ideas in order to tackle these issues. Click on the picture for more informations on the context of my research!

My work


In the past years, I developed and tested new methods of data analysis for foreground removal and Galactic science. I demonstrated that these methods allowed us to tackle the complexity of the Galactic signal in order to recover the cosmic microwave background signal for future missions as $LiteBIRD$. Moreover, I showed that it was possible to apply these methods in order to study the physics of the interstellar medium and I predicted specific properties of the complex Galactic signal. As a member of large collaborations associated to cosmological surveys, I was also in involved in numerous studies answering questions on a wide range of topics, from instrumental to theoretical considerations. Click on the picture for more informations on my research!