PHD with teaching duties (Doctorant chargé d’enseignements)
During my PHD thesis, I was a teaching assistant at Université Paul Sabatier from 2020 to 2023. I was happily in charge of the following modules:
Astrophysics (L3): One semester of tutorials (12h) for an introduction to astrophysics in third year. Kepler laws, black holes, stellar evolution, dark matter and cosmology (links point to some of the slides/notes I used as illustrations in parallel of black board computations. Find also some detailed notes here).
Fluid mechanics (L2): One semester of tutorials (14h). Detailled study of static, perfect and viscous fluids.
Thermodynamics (L2): Two semesters of tutorials for a total of three groups (45h) in thermodynamics in second year. Basic principles, equation of states, first (energy) and second (entropy) principles, thermodynamics functions, phase transitions.
Point mechanics (L1): One semester of tutorials (15h) in Newtonian point mechanics in first year. Kinematics, dynamics and energetics.
Geometric/Ray optics (L1): One semester of tutorials (16h). Snell-Descartes laws, plane and spherical medium transition, study of the human eye an its optical defects, lenses and mirrors.
Labs (L1): Labs in first year. Mechanics (21h) and electrocinetics (18h).
Light and color (L1): Tutorials, supervision and evaluation of interdisciplinary student project about light (physics/biology/chemestry) in first year (18h).
L1, L2 and L3 correspond respecitvely to first second and third year of bachelor’s degree. I am gradually transcripting and extending most of my lecture notes here.
Internship supervisions
J. Delhomelle (L2 - 2 months) - Solving cosmological tensions with scalar field induced variations of fundamental constants. Lead to an outreach publication.
S. Vinzl (L2 - 7 months) - Extended Bekenstein model and study of the variation of fundamental constants. Lead to a journal publication.
N. Gentil (L2 - 7 months) - Quantifying the impact of Far Side Lobes asymmetries for the LiteBIRD mission. Provided significant contributions detailled in my thesis.
Here are some other teaching duties I contributed to:
- Marker for the PLANCKS-2021 event, cosmology session.
- Employee of the Insignis association from 2017 to 2018 (Teaching mathematics to secondary and high school students classes).